Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Declutter: The Mantra of Diwali

Declutter: The Mantra of Diwali

We are in the habit of collecting useless and unnecessary things around us. In our houses, there are so many old, broken and dysfunctional things which have lost their utility and value. To welcome Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, we declutter during Diwali. We dispose off those unwanted articles to create more space. Clear space allows the vital energy to flow unhindered. Prosperity suffocates in a congested atmosphere. It needs openness and freedom to grow and flourish. So, there is a custom of cleaning the house and its surroundings. But this should not be a one-day habit. The concept of cleanliness should be cultivated right from the childhood so that it can become our second nature. Only then can we expect a continuous and perennial prosperity. Swachh Bharat Campaign is a welcome step in this direction to make our country clean and green once again. 
                      But much more important than physical clutter is our mental clutter. We are treating our mind like a garbage-pit. We have piled up negative emotions like vanity, anxiety, pessimism etc. in our mind. In this modern electronic world when we are constantly being bombarded by a lot of information, we have to be extremely careful and selective. Instead of running faster and faster on the materialistic treadmill, we must stop and introspect. We have to filter all the dirt and filth like an aquaguard. We have to disallow all types of negativity from entering our mind. Only pure thoughts of positivity should be permitted. If we allow negative thoughts and feelings to take roots in our mind, they will destroy our chances of success and rob us of our mental peace. A frequent dusting of the mental dirt will make us feel lighter and happier.
                                                                         After the cleaning operation is over, we decorate our houses with earthen lamps, candles or electric bulbs. Similarly, for mental illumination, we should brighten it with the neon lights of positivity. It is the only way to imbibe the spirit of this festival and celebrate it in its true sense.


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