Friday, 21 September 2018

Worst Actions Are the Best Teachers

A book by Dr. Sanjay Kumar Sinha

Worst Actions Are the Best Teachers

The world is a big university. And those, who graduate from it, get the certificate of experience and practical wisdom. The best lessons of life are not learnt in the books. They are learned from day-to-day interaction with other people. Life offers many unexpected challenges. They cannot be solved by mere theoretical knowledge and readymade solutions. If you approach life with mugged up answer, you will often find that it changes the question. So your keen observations of life-situations teach you more than the best moral principles. Your application of knowledge in solving day-to-day problems is the real test of your education. Education without application is like a pistol without a bullet.
Most of the unpleasant situations are the result of our irrational behaviour. Robert Burton wrote: “A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword.” Unrestrained speech is your greatest enemy. You cannot win the heart of others by high sounding philosophies. It can be won by simple and kind words. A gentle gesture, a warm hug or a soft smile can steal the heart of anyone. Everyone is polite and well-behaved with his superiors. But how you deal with ordinary people is the proof of your worth. So whatever offends you will offend others too.
Learn this practical lesson from the bad behaviour of other people and try to be a good human being. Gunter Grass well said: “One learns the best lessons of life from observing the worst actions of people.”

Sunday, 1 July 2018

Meri Gazal

नई दुनिया को बसाने का हुनर इन बंजारों से पूछिए 
अँधेरे को रौशन करने का सुकून सितारों से पूछिए 
जिन लहरों को अपनी बांहो में झुलाया था दिनरात हमने 
उनकी चोट से कैसे दिल टूटता है, किनारों से पूछिए 
अपनों से गले मिलकर कितनी बेइंतहा  ख़ुशी होती है 
यह धरती से मिलनेवाली बारिश की फुहारों से पूछिए 
हर जुड़ती हुई ईंट के साथ कितना कुछ टूटता जाता है 
यह दिलों के आंगन में उठती हुई दीवारों से पूछिए 
कहने की कोशिश में कितना कुछ अनकहा ही रह जाता है 
 यह तो किसी गूंगे आदमी के बेबस इशारों से पूछिए 
किश्तियों को उनके मुकाम तक  पहुंचना कितनी बड़ी बात है 
अगर जानना हो तो मल्लाहों के पतवारों से पूछिए 
ग़ज़ल का हर शेर किसी बेशकीमती नगीने से कम नहीं 
इन कोहिनूरों की कीमत तो हम कलमकारों से पूछिए 

Sunday, 29 April 2018



The book will help you in:
  • Providing a recipe for success in different dimensions of life.
  • Giving the strength and insight to face problems, failures and crises of human existence in a better and more effective way.
  • Lifting from the bottomless pit of misery and taking to the dizzy heights of glory.
  • Exploring the immense possibilities of personality and finding the true meaning of life much before it becomes meaningless.
  • It is a must-read for the super starters, mighty movers and fantastic flyers. Embark on the journey from mediocrity to excellence.