Magic of Gratitude
means being thankful to all those who help you. It is the sweetness of your
personality which uplifts you. You owe a sense of gratefulness for all those
who have given you something valuable in life. A prayer is also an act of
thankfulness to God for all His bounties. You should be greatly obliged to your
parents who have given you birth and brought you up with a lot of hardship and
pain. You must be thankful to Nature which gives you all the essentials of life
free of cost. You owe a deep sense of indebtedness to Mother Earth which
sustains and supports you. You cannot repay the debt of the teacher who has
showered the blessings of knowledge and wisdom on you. You must be grateful to
your wife who is a constant source of care, comfort and companionship. Whosoever
has provided you a little moment of joy and happiness in your life deserves
your appreciation. It is well said “When someone hurts us, we should write it
down in sand where the winds of forgiveness can erase it. But when someone does
good for us, we must engrave it on stone so that no wind can ever erase it.”
If you have this attitude of thankfulness in
your personality, you will befriend the whole world. A heart felt thank you
with a warm smile is like an icing on the cake. It is magical in its effect and
appeal. It is the sweetest and purest expression of your soul, the fairest and
loveliest blossom of your heart and the choicest and finest fragrance of your