Sunday, 30 April 2017

Schedule your time

Schedule your time

Nature gives twenty four hours to everyone; neither more nor less to anyone. Time is the scarcest resource. It is at once the most valuable and the most perishable of all our possessions. Those who make the worse use of it always complain of its shortage. Enough time is there for the people who know the art of proper utilization and management of it. Not lack of time but lack of direction is the real problem. Optimum utilization of time alone can take to great heights. Ordinary people spend time but great people use it.
The great craft of time management his in systematic time planning. If you fail to man, you plan to fail. Devote most of your time to the most important things in life. Invest this capital in the wisest way.
There should be a daily plan and a long term plan. Make a to-do-list for every day. Note it in a diary or a calendar or program it in your mobile or computer. Always see that your daily plan leads you nearer to your long term goal. There should be a time limit for achieving your target. It will always remind you of the value of fleeting time. Try to do your work with full devotion and honesty within the time frame. Success is the result of the maximum utilization of time. Unexpected problems may crop up but you have to be ready to face them.
There is a biological clock in your body. You have to find out your own biological time when your potential is at its peak. Make the most productive and creative use of that hour.

Learn to say a strong no to those activities which waste your precious time. You cannot recycle wasted time. Lost time is never found again. Saving time is also a sound technique of time management. It enhances your productivity. There is no wrong time to do a right thing. So, just short doing it now. Go the extra mile before your time runs out.

Friday, 14 April 2017

Different Levels of Mind

Different Levels of Mind

Weak minds are interested in gossips. Goodness is rarely discussed. Critising, condemning, back-biting and mud-slinging are the favourite pastime of feeble-minded persons. Personality-dissection and character assassination are relished by the rumour-mongers. Spicy stories and concocted tales about friends, relatives and neighbours are circulated and enjoyed. Recently, a new phenomenon of chatting on social media has become the latest craze. Photos, recipes jokes etc. are shared and like and dislike comments are counted. Your good deeds can be forgotten but the scandalous and frivolous stories are not erased from the public memory. The skeletons of bad name and evil reputation often come out of the cupboard.
Events, incidences and occurrences are the subject matter of the talk of the average people. Every day, newspapers supply such information and material in plenty. Mediocre people gulp down those stories of day-to-day happenings with their morning tea and masquerade all day long as pseudo-intellectuals among their friends and colleagues. Media, both electronic and print, have also degenerated into yellow journalism. They present a distorted picture of reality and do not bring out the inner truth behind any event or action.

There are a few strong minds and superior intellects who discuss ideas and concepts. Ideas rule the world. Thoughts live long and travel far and wide. Men of reason try to discover and deduce the principles and philosophies underlying any event or action. Formulas are more important than examples. Application of knowledge is not possible without knowing the fundamental rule. Such creative thoughts and expressions give something new to the world. Those towering personalities are like light-houses which show the right path to the misdirected ships in the vast ocean.

Saturday, 1 April 2017

Craving for Importance

Craving for Importance

The desire to be important is the natural urge of a human being. Everyone wants to be important in his own little world. After the gratification of your biological wants, you need the feeling of importance. You wear expensive dresses, buy latest mobile phones and purchase luxury cars. You build houses bigger than your requirement and furnish it tastefully. Children want the exclusive attention of their parents. Parents also feel proud in showing off the intelligence of their sons and daughters. Wives like to be appreciated for their cooking skill and good house-keeping. In this male-dominated society of ours, husbands have taken the position of parmeshwar (God) to feel exalted. They even beat their wives or ill-treat their in-laws to show their supremacy. You love to give English names to your pets. Moti has become Monty and Sheru is now Caesar. In jobs and work-place also, you crave for importance and attention of your boss and seniors. You may have read a story in your school text book which narrates that a boy meets an accident in order to get his name and photograph published in the newspaper. All these are disguised attempts to give you the feeling of self-importance. Cut-throat competition, jealousy, malice and criticism- all these are also endeavours to make you more important than others.

There is nothing wrong in it if it is taken in the right spirit. The craving for importance can be a positive motivation. If you improve your work performance or accelerate your productivity, you will get the appreciation and admiration of everyone. And praise is the most precious and prized possession which even saints can rarely deny.